Join the virtual panel WIE session to have the opportunity to meet women leaders from industry and academia at different stages of their careers. The speakers will share their experiences and distinctive career paths. During this session, we will also be discussing how to bridge the widening gap between women and men in Engineering in Latin America, especially with the unexpected challenges of the last two years. Connect with peers during this session by asking questions and sharing your stories.

Danay Valenzuela Rodriguez
Medical Degree for General Medicine and Surgery from Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain and a post-doc Specialty on Echocardiography from Univ. Hosp. of Treviso, Italy.
Linked to the industry, always within the Medical & Research Ultrasound field, since more than 20 years.
At the moment works full time within Philips Healthcare (Ultrasound Global Business Group), leading a vast geography that includes Europe & Latin-America, as the responsible for Clinical & Strategic Marketing, focusing on Echo-Cardiography solutions.
Vast experience as a multi-lingual scientific & industry speaker, on a variety of international congresses, conferences and clinical meetings; as well as a proven expertise on development and management of communication channels between technology applied to clinical practice.

Luciana Cabrelli
I’m Luciana Cabrelli, I’m 36 years old and I'm a bachelor in Medical Physics from Unifeb. I came to Ribeirão Preto (a countryside city of Sao Paulo State) to start my graduation and I finished my Ph.D in the end of 2020 at USP (University of Sao Paulo). I’ve been working with phantoms for image guided procedures, specially ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging, since my master (at 2013). I had an opportunity in 2019 to be part of Gphantom’s team as a product developer, and that’s my currently position.

Andrea Pulido
Andrea Pulido was born in Bogota - Colombia; she holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering. Andrea developed a passion for the research field during her bachelor studies. So she decided to continue her studies with a master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. After graduation, she moved into the business industry and started working as a Java developer for four years.
Currently, she is a doctoral candidate in Biomedical Sciences at KU Leuven - Belgium in Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics unit. Her research focuses on cardiac motion estimation using echocardiography and deep learning.

Gabriela Torres

Ana B. Ramirez
Ana B. Ramirez received the B.E.E degree from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Colombia; and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Delaware, USA. She is currently Full Professor of the Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering department at Universidad Industrial de Santander, in Colombia. Her fields of interest include acoustic signal processing applied to medical and geophysical data. Her active fields of research are full waveform inversion of medical and geophysical data, and compressive sensing and sparse signal processing. She has published more than 20 papers in the areas of interest. Also, she has led several research projects funded by UIS, Colciencias, Ecopetrol and the US Research Army Lab.

Carolina Amador Carrascal
Carolina recibió su título profesional en Ingeniería Biomédica en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, en 2006 y su Ph.D. en Ciencias Biomédicas en Mayo Clinic College of Medicine en Rochester, MN, USA en 2011. En el 2014 recibió el titulo de Profesora Asistente de Ingeniería Biomédica e Investigadora Asociada en el Departamento de Fisiología e Ingeniería Biomédica de Mayo Clinic College of Medicine en Rochester, MN, USA. En 2017, se une a Philips Research North America como Científica Senior en el departamento de Innovación de Ultrasonido. En el curso de su carrera científica de 15 años, ha contribuido como autora de 20+ publicaciones indexadas, 2 capítulos de libros y 3 patentes en Estados Unidos. Actualmente, es Directora Asociada del departamento de desarrollo de evidencia clínico-económica para el grupo de equipos médicos de Emergencia y Reanimación en Philips North America. Carolina fue reconocida en el 2017 por el MIT Technology Review como una de las innovadoras menores de 35 años en Latino América y recibió un reconocimiento especial como Pionera del año por sus contribuciones en el área de la estandarización del método no-invasivo de ultrasonido para diagnosticar fibrosis hepática.
Carolina received her professional degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, in 2006 and her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN, USA in 2011. In 2014 she received the title of Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Research Associate in the Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN, USA. In 2017, she joined Philips Research North America as a Senior Scientist in the Ultrasound Innovation Department. Over the course of her 15-year scientific career, she has contributed as the author of 20+ peer-reviewed publications, 2 book chapters, and 3 patents in the United States. Currently, she is Associate Director of the clinical development department of the Emergency Care business group at Philips North America. Carolina was recognized in 2017 by the MIT Technology Review as one of the innovators under 35 years of age in Latin America and received a special recognition as Pioneer of the year for her contributions in the area of standardization of the non-invasive method of ultrasound to diagnose liver fibrosis.
Link MIT-Innovators:
Gabriela Torres received a B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru, in 2015, and a Ph.D. degree from the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the North Carolina State University, NC, USA, in 2021.
She received the UNC Graduate School Impact Award for her research on carotid plaque ultrasound in 2021, was a finalist in the IEEE IUS Student Paper Competition in 2019, and achieved first place in the IEEE EMBC Student Paper Competition in 2017. She also served as student representative in the IEEE UFFC Administrative Committee during 2017 and 2018.
She is currently a Senior Ultrasound Systems Engineer at Siemens Healthineers – Ultrasound Division, WA, USA. Her research interests include acoustic radiation force imaging methods and cardiovascular elasticity imaging.